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Advanced Business Tools
Choose from a vast array of business tools, like our dynamic database add-on. This will allow you to create a searchable database in minutes, using whatever search criteria you choose.
Create Static & Flash Banners
Create any custom buttons using our advanced banner builder. All Banners will automatically convert to Jquery so they can be viewable on IPHONES, IPADS, BLACKBERRY’s and all other mobile devices.
Event Calendars
Add an Event Calendar to your website and show which events are available on specific dates / times, as well as the details / description of each event. There are three (3) types of calendars and the layout presentation differs between them.
Rich Video & Multimedia Tools
Upload Audio or Video files in many different formats and select from one of many Video Players we have. You can create Galleries, Background Music, Music Lists, Video Galleries and create a beautiful Multimedia Experience for visitors.
Create Forms in minutes
Create any type of form on your website with our Advanced Form Builder too. You can create as many forms as you like and choose what pages they go on. Includes 100's of options, such as auto-responders, mandatory fields, etc.
Menu Choice & Management
Create HTML or FLASH menu’s in an instant! 100’s of stylish choices. All Flash Menu’s will automatically convert to Jquery so they can be viewable on IPHONES, IPADS, BLACKBERRY's and all other mobile devices.
Photo Galleries
You can add Image Gallery to your page. You may add number of images to the gallery that keep rotating one after another and you can also choices of gallery after uploading in one style type of gallery.
External Site Addition
Easily add any 3rd party site addition, such as, YouTube Videos, Widgets or any other Components.
Custom Blogs and Social Media
Create instant blogs and connect any part of your website to your Social Media properties, such as Facebook and Twitter. Our system integrates seamless with Social Media as part of an overall marketing campaign.
User Login and Registration
Create Unique or Global Username/Passwords to any section/page of your website. This will allow you to create membership content or just restrict content to specific users only